EverSpring Museum of Fine Art 現任館長:劉士楷 永春堂美術館成立於2008年,為台中大雅區的私人美術館,目前經營戶外婚禮與藝術展覽,建築取用簡約的現代設計概念,為林志峰建築師的代表作品,利用光影的投射及建築的美學交疊出層次感。並跳脫傳統婚宴封閉空間的規劃模式,以花園綠地及開放空間為設計概念主軸,融入藝術、人文與自然。 永春堂美術館一樓為光之禮堂,提供婚禮新人們西式證婚的場所,二樓為藝術品展示空間。美術館從開館以來致力於推廣當代藝術,同時扶持年輕藝術家為主,目前展覽為不定期舉辦。 EverSpring Museum of Fine Art(ESMoFA)was founded in 2008 and has been in service of wedding occasion and fine art exhibition. Designed by famous architect Chi-Feng Lin, the ESMoFA building features an impressive modern appearance thatprovidesgreat open spaces and multilayered aesthetics of lighting. With the marvelousdesign, the ESMoFA offered variousopportunities for creative wedding activities and art exhibition that combines features of the building with art, humanity and nature. The ground floor is known as “Auditorium of Light” as a hall for wedding ceremony, and the second floors is a publicart-exhibiting gallery. Since established in 2008, EMFA has been promotingcontemporary art and helping youth artists. |